
CHEAD is a dynamic, participatory network actively involving all our members to shape our agendas and activities. We foster an inclusive, collaborative, approach to leadership and policy development which also takes account of regional agendas.

Our activities are informed by our strategic plan, which we review continually. Our current strategic plan has been developed with our members’ direct input and therefore reflects what they view as the main areas of priority for CHEAD members and the wider sector.

Overall, we aim to achieve our objectives through:

  • Advocacy: CHEAD gives a voice to HE A&D. We aim to inform debates and to influence key influencers where it touches on our sector through research and consultation with our membership across the UK.
  • Networking: CHEAD provides opportunities for members to network with each other and with key external organisations. Our membership events are themed to address key challenges facing the sector to inform and to provide a platform for focused debate. We enjoy close working relationships with organisations that play a key role in the art and design HE landscape, such as: Design Council, Creative Industries Federation and the Crafts Council. We are able to draw on their expertise and to offer our own support to relevant projects led by these organisations and individuals.
  • Support: for networks and events. Our Leadership Programme provides leadership training and a peer network specifically for aspiring leaders in art and design. In addition, we maintain a EDI Alliance and Technical Alliance for exchange and mutual support as well as the Subject Association Alliance to support Subject Associations. CHEAD also runs the hugely successful Research, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange Alliance which develops activities and resources to support researchers in the sector as well as identifying key issues and providing intelligence.
  • Our Annual Conference, which each year addresses a key theme for CHEAD members through presentations, debate and workshops.

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