New Trustee Appointments

September 14, 2020

The Council for Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD) is delighted to announce three new trustees, Michael Gorman, Professor Jake Kaner and Professor Sunil Manghani, who join the existing Board of Trustees.

Michael Gorman, Senior Learning & Teaching Fellow at Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University joins CHEAD in his capacity as Chair of The Group for Learning in Art and Design (GLAD) whose focus is the nature of learning and teaching in Art, Design and Media. Through this appointment, CHEAD and GLAD intend to develop links around a joint learning and teaching network.

Professor Jake Kaner, Associate Dean, Research at the School of Art and Design at Nottingham Trent University joins the CHEAD board of Trustees as a co-chair of the CHEAD Research Alliance after a call was issued to members for research focussed co-opted Trustees. Jake has been a key member of a thriving Research Alliance for a number of years.

Professor Sunil Manghani, Professor of Theory, Practice & Critique and Deputy Head of School and Director of Research at Winchester School of Art at the University of Southampton joins the CHEAD board of Trustees as a co-chair of the CHEAD Research Alliance. Through Sunil and Jake’s appointment, CHEAD intends to deliver a participatory and agile Research Alliance aligned with its Strategic Plan for 2020-2025, which is currently with members for consultation, with the following aims to:

• Promote the visibility, standing and impact of art, media and design research strategically
• Catalyse research networks, encourage interdisciplinarity and cross-disciplinary research.
• Grow research capacity and capabilities and disseminate research practice.
• Develop research leadership and support early career researchers

Professor Anita Taylor, Chair of CHEAD commented: “We are delighted and privileged to have Michael, Jake and Sunil join our Board of Trustees. They join a passionate and dynamic Board drawn from the CHEAD membership and their extensive knowledge and experience will be essential in helping us deliver our strategic ambitions over the next five years”.

NB: For full profiles of our trustees, please see our governance page


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