Home Events Creative Resilience: Art Adapts

Creative Resilience: Art Adapts

Over recent months we have seen our agile and innovative Art and Design HE sector show its capacity to react and respond to unprecedented uncertainty and change. Moving beyond resilience and toward innovation in the medium to longer-term, how do we want to see the culture of creative education adapt? Is this a moment for creative education to re-frame the direction of travel and show a new way forward? What can we learn from how CHEAD members have responded to the COVID-19 challenge that shows how creative education can respond to this new landscape?

Join us to hear from members with examples of what they have done to adapt and how they intend to harness these adaptions to renew policies and practice going forward. This will be an opportunity for members to share new discoveries and insights and to discuss whether this paradigm shift impels a bold re-thinking with the potential for creative education to re-position itself for a new era.

Event resources and schedule

Sesssion One: Creative Entrepreneurship: Creative Connections in COVID

In early 2020 Robert Gordon University’s (RGU) Look Again Aberdeen, (a creative unit based at Gray’s School of Art) and Entrepreneurship and Innovation Group (EIG) collaborated to create a new short course entitled Creative Entrepreneurship, scheduled to start the week of Covid lockdown.  This presentation will explore how the team rose to the challenge of responding to the new context and identified new opportunities made possible by the move to virtual space.

Links and resources:













Session Three: Unspace me here: when the ethereal becomes arts' teaching space

This presentation will explore some of the poetics and reconceptualisation that went on underneath Glasgow School of Art’s production of a student COVID-19 guidebook.  Join Professor Vicky Gunn as she explores the process of reorienting how we needed to think about studio, reflects on managing the implications of such a reorientation alongside the demand to default to on line learning at the same time as acknowledging student distress and sets out the predicted tensions for Art higher education in the light of the reorientation as we move forward.

Session Four: Cooking, community and coping: The social role of the kitchen in a virtual learning space

In August 2018, a new role of Academic Coach was introduced at the University of Wolverhampton to address the poor continuation rates of Undergraduate students at Level 3 and 4, employed to shape and develop their third-space role within the institution. During the Art School’s annual studio residency, the Coaches host ‘Coaches, Cooking and Conversation’. Mimicking a dinner table in the studio environment, Coaches’ Kitchen encouraged a transfer of knowledge through discussions around varying specialisms and subject areas and established a supportive space for pondering, chatter, and absurdity. Fast forward to 2020, three Coaches re-enact a summer of activity – a scripted dialogue based on real-life conversations that mirror the hybrid of informal socialising and impromptu academic and pastoral reassurance that was created with students across the University.

Links and resources:




Session Five: Falmouth Creative, Connected Courageous Challenges

In May 2020, in response to the global pandemic, Falmouth University set a series of 10 thematic Challenges open to all students, applicants and Year 12 students. The premise was to facilitate collaborative, cross departmental trans-disciplinary working and stimulate innovation. Join Mandy Jandrell, Director of the Institute of Photography and Head of Photography at Falmouth University to hear how those who responded to the challenges produced exceptional and inventive work, responding to current climate in innovative and challenging ways.

Links and resources:


Additonal material and resources

Building a Virtual Degree Show - Gray's School of Art

Caring-With Dialogic Sculptures. A Post-Disciplinary Investigation into Forms of Attachment

‘Caring-With Dialogic Sculptures. A Post-Disciplinary Investigation into Forms of Attachment’
Elena Cologni Anglia Ruskin University (UK)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2038-6184/11444

pdf available here

Hourly Schedule

Thursday 19th November 2020

13.30 - 13.40
Welcome and updates
Professor Anita Taylor CHEAD
13.40 - 14.10
Session One
Creative Entrepreneurship: Creative Connections in COVID
Hilary Nicoll Look Again Aberdeen, Sally Charles Robert Gordon University
14.10 - 14.40
Session Two
Fashion Academics Creating Equality
Andrew Ibi FACE, Benita Odogwu-Atkinson, Caryn Franklin FACE, David Kappo FACE, Pascal Matthias FACE, Sharon Lloyd FACE
14.40 - 15.00
Session Three
Unspace me here: when the ethereal becomes arts' teaching space
Professor Vicky Gunn The Glasgow School of Art
15.00 - 15.10
15.10 - 15.30
Session Four
Cooking, community and coping: The social role of the kitchen in a virtual learning space
Holly Herzberg University of Wolverhampton, Sarah Byrne University of Wolverhampton, Sarah Zacharek University of Wolverhampton
15.30 - 16.00
Session Five
Falmouth Creative, Connected Courageous Challenges
Mandy Jandrell Falmouth University
16.05 - 16.30
Professor Anita Taylor CHEAD
Hilary Nicoll Look Again Aberdeen
Sally Charles Robert Gordon University
Andrew Ibi FACE
Benita Odogwu-Atkinson
Benita Odogwu-Atkinson
Senior Lecturer, University for the Creative Arts
Caryn Franklin FACE
David Kappo FACE
Pascal Matthias FACE
Sharon Lloyd FACE
Professor Vicky Gunn The Glasgow School of Art
Holly Herzberg University of Wolverhampton
Sarah Byrne University of Wolverhampton
Sarah Zacharek University of Wolverhampton
Mandy Jandrell Falmouth University


19 Nov 2020


1:30 pm - 4:30 pm


Members event


Via Zoom


Council for Higher Education in Art and Design
0203 040 3631


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