Home Events CHEAD Annual Conference 2019: The Agency of Art and Design

CHEAD Annual Conference 2019: The Agency of Art and Design

#CHEAD2019 provided a platform for practitioners from a diverse range of disciplines, sectors and perspectives to celebrate the agency of Art and Design in:

Interdisciplinary practice – Through policy, impact or practice, how do we claim authority within these emerging debates, partnerships and collaborations across sciences, public services, engineering, health and business. How do we ensure parity of knowledge, agendas and authorship are recognised and promoted?

Education – Advocacy for the central role of creative subjects in pre- university education, what is the evidence-base for the promotion / protection of creative and cultural education. How do we create new models of co-creation, collaboration and curriculums for change.

Research – how do Universities protect diversity of practice, support experimentation and champion enquiry? How can we ensure that Universities challenge metrics that diminish our methodologies and address gaps in provision created by existing market and state systems of value and reward? How can we effectively use the evidence that we have collated to shift perceptions.

Society – what role do Universities have in supporting the external ecologies of practice? Can Universities influence local and national governments to protect studios, resources and networks for graduates and professionals? How can we argue for the value of arts production (as well as presentation) within our cities, museums and communities?


  • Download conference theme here
  • Download the Brexit and the Future of Creative Education in the UK term paper here



27 - 28 Mar 2019


9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Sheffield Hallam University
0114 225 5555

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