Innovations in Practice
Join us for our showcase of innovative practices, current pedagogical approaches and future aspirations in teaching and learning aligned with Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
The event will feature two sets of presentations, each set followed by a panel, providing an opportunity for you to discuss the presentations and ask questions.
Presentation 1: Introducing The FACE Race Handbook
The FACE Race Handbook is a collaborative, cross-institutionally produced, free 53-page digital toolkit focused on decolonisation in education.
Sharon D Lloyd, London Metropolitan University
John Boddy, Falmouth University
Caryn Franklin, Kingston School of Art
Presentation 2: AcrossRCA - The possibility of things
A new postgraduate academic model, engaging over 2,000 students in tackling global issues through a collaborative, interdisciplinary, blended learning unit.
Barbara Brownie, Sandra Denicke-Polcher, Chris Mitchell and Tom Snowden, RCA
Martin Newith, GSA
Presentation 3: Crafting Equitable Pathways: Co-Creating Inclusive Assessment & Feedback Principles
Developing inclusive assessment principles through collaboration to foster an equitable learning environment at The University of Salford.
Davina Whitnall and Prof. Jess Power, The Learning & Teaching Enhancement Centre (LTEC) at The University of Salford
Presentation 4: Students as partners – amplifying the student voice
The project presents a holistic approach which promotes student voice and places inclusion at the centre of curriculum development.
Sam Elliott, UAL
Presentation 5: How interdisciplinary teams of students can work together to develop innovative EDI focussed solutions with a live brief from Cerebra.
Interdisciplinary teams work together on a project to develop a bespoke product to address EDI needs with industry partner Cerebra.
Joe Venables and Avalon Skelton, Cardiff Metropolitan University
Presentation 6: Notes on creative diversity
Using design thinking to help build inclusion, addressing barriers head-on as a direct part of the curriculum (rather than separate).
Andy Neal, Falmouth University