Hybrid Spaces: Re-imagining pedagogy, practice and research

January 19, 2021

Extended deadline for registration and Call for Papers.

Early Bird extended registration until 29 January 2021.

Abstracts of 100 words (max) must be submitted by Friday 29 January 2021.

This year’s iJADE conference run by our partners at NSEAD will be hosted online Friday 26 – Sunday 28 March 2021. We will focus on new and adapted conceptual, digital and physical spaces for our practice.

The past few months have challenged all of us working in Art and Design education and research, to re-imagine and review our practice. As well as addressingthe challenges and barriers that have emerged, we will focus on opportunities for reflection and innovation in our pedagogy. Research developments and approaches that are showing potential to helpus understand and evaluate new and hybrid pedagogies, modes of engagement and participation are welcomed.

The conference will run over three days, each with a different theme:
• Societal, environmental and political impact
• Participation, inclusion and access
• Creativity and wellbeing

You are warmly invited to submit abstracts of 100 words (max) for short papers on the above themes, to be presented online at the conference. These might include (but are not limited to) topics on
related issues of digital inclusion; collaboration and isolation; cognitive dissonance; the ethics of using technology; the importance of art and design for mental health and wellbeing; the importance of physical encounters with practice; VR gallery learning experiences; blended learning approaches; affective digital presence; community connection; public pedagogies.

Abstracts of 100 words (max) must be submitted by Friday 29 January 2021 (extended deadline) using
the Online Abstract Submission Form:

Registration and Fees
To book, please visit: https://ijade-2021-hybrid-spaces.eventbrite.co.uk

For enquiries, please contact ijade@nsead.org


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