The Gallery at Plymouth College of Art

Hannah Rose

Exhibitions Manager

01752 203434

The Gallery at Plymouth College of Art features a high quality contemporary programme of exhibitions and events which seeks to enrich teaching and learning at the college, whilst also welcoming a wider public audience to enjoy and debate contemporary arts.

The programme is shaped by the curriculum, with focus given to art, design and digital media, reflecting the rich and diverse cultural community of the college and the city. The Gallery specialises in supporting artists at various stages of their careers, enabling them to produce new exhibitions, and offering exciting opportunities to enhance artists’ professional practice in fresh and interesting ways.

The Gallery was established in 2006 and has presented over 50 exhibitions, including shows by: Boudicca studio, Craig Fisher, Claire Hooper, Albert Irvin, Gareth Neal, Lucy Orta, Martin Parr, Erika Tan, Timorous Beasties, Noam Toran, Marie Toseland and partnership exhibitions with LUX Artists’ Moving Image and Plymouth Visual Art Programming Group.

The Gallery often works in partnership, contributing actively to strengthening and enhancing the offer of arts and culture in Plymouth.

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