CHEAD can report on the following actions on equity, diversity and inclusivity.
CHEAD Trustees met on 1st March 2022 and were joined by Caryn Franklin MBE and the founders of FACE (in person and online) to discuss the findings of the See My Face survey and the ongoing campaign to include questions on race, culture, inclusion and identity within the NSS.
CHEAD and FACE propose that, as the OfS have not as yet implemented our recommendations, individual institutions committed to race equality should use their option to add a contextualised question.
A proposed question is ” Please add any further insight into your lived experience as a student in relationship to ‘Race’? How, for example has ‘Race’ impacted (if at all) your ability to study? “.
FACE have also shared the following as an example to include in recruitment advertising. “We are looking for an accomplished educator with experience of global industry narratives and diverse fashion culture. We require applicants to have lived experience of Black fashion and Black culture in addition to standard European contexts and experiences.” Further guidelines for best recruitment practice are accessible here.