The Council for Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD) is the representative body for the art, design, creative media, and related disciplines in higher education.
CHEAD is looking for a co-opted Trustee to join our Board of Trustees and Directors to support the creation of a a public relations strategy that will allow the organisation to cultivate and enhance meaningful relationships with targeted, high-level external audiences. We are looking for an individual who can bring strong PR and communications skills and experience to identify internal and external communications opportunities and solutions.
The role to open to both individuals external to and within HE. Part of the role of co-opted Trustee is a requirement to attend five Trustee meeting a year, currently taking place online but anticipate moving back to being in person. The successful applicant would be expected to give their time pro bono but any travel expenses incurred travelling to Trustee meetings would be covered by CHEAD.
Download the role description here
Complete and submit the nomination form here
Deadline for nominations: Tuesday 19th October 2021, 12pm