Home Events Communicating Insights: CHEAD Annual Conference 2015

Communicating Insights: CHEAD Annual Conference 2015

The 2015 CHEAD Annual Conference will explore how we might visualize and look forward to the changing cartography of the art and design research landscape as it comes into public view from REF 2014.

Thinking forward creatively to 2020 and building on our diverse strengths, the 2015 CHEAD conference is an opportunity to share the very best experiences from across the sector but also to think about our futures in a sector that is set to continue to change and to challenge us as the HEA takes on a changing role, as open access is developed and refined, and as new providers join the sector and as teaching and learning, research and impact intersect in new ways and each play a role in the processes of transformation.


Conference aim

This conference is designed to inspire, to provoke and to encourage new forms of collaboration and shape our future agendas such that CHEAD can support and contribute to taking these forward beyond 2015. It aims to offer opportunities for networking and discussion, for shaping new CHEAD agendas including the development of pedagogic research in art and design, visualizing and developing impact and research leadership and offering practical workshop sessions exploring a range of impact case studies from across the art and design sector and how they were developed and shaped.


Who is this for?

This conference welcomes a broad constituency of leaders, from those who head art and design in their institutions, to those have specific responsibilities for dialogue and sharing new agendas and impact with partners within and outside higher education.

We have seen the impact our sector makes in the work. We have seen radical changes to our systems and seen challenges and changes to how we might shape how we communicate it for a world of open access and for a future world we haven’t yet imagined and consider how we share and shape the research, the learning and the partnerships and the difference we have made through the creative and intellectual work of academics and students.

Whatever the size of our institutions, and whatever their location and mission, whether small or large, within a university context or within an independent art and design context, all our partners have an impact on their doorstep and continually seek ways to build up audiences as well as to build and engage new audiences and forge new kinds of mutually beneficial partnership.


This conference is for CHEAD members and invited guests. Registration for will open in early 2015.

Please click on the link below to register for the conference.

* Image taken from the University of Brighton website: The Brighton Wastehouse



18 - 20 Mar 2015


2:00 pm - 1:00 pm



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University of Brighton
Grand Parade


Council for Higher Eduction in Art and Design
020 7490 4712
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