Special Edition Decolonising Arts Education and a Call for Papers ‘LGBTQI+ Embracing Pedagogies in Higher Education Art and Design’

June 28, 2021

Professor Susan Orr, York St John University, UK has very kindly provided the following updates for Members.

Calling all Decolonising Warriors.

Volume (20): Issue (1)

Cover date: 2021

Dr Dori Tunstall has guest edited a special edition of the Journal Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education.  The focus of the edition is decolonising arts education and there are many interesting papers of interest to CHEAD members including –

Call for papers

‘LGBTQI+ Embracing Pedagogies in Higher Education Art and Design’

This international call for papers seeks articles from researchers, practitioners and students that explore LGBTQI+ art and design pedagogies and approaches to LGBTQI+ learning in higher art and design. We ask researchers to intentionally take an intersectional approach to their exploration and analysis.

The guest editor is Professor Vicky Gunn, GSA, and the deadline is 30th November 2021.


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