Due to the original date for the CHEAD AGM being cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak, CHEAD has rescheduled the AGM to take place on Wednesday 29th April 2020 at 15.00pm.
Members will have received by email the CHEAD Report of Trustees 2018/19 including the draft annual accounts, a 2018/19 annual review and a meeting request with a link to a Microsoft Teams meeting to enable them to join the AGM online.
If members are not able to join the AGM on the 29th April, or it is likely they will not be able to join, it is imperative that they complete a short online form circulated in the email to appoint the Chair to act as their proxy at the meeting to ensure the meeting is quorate – one third of CHEAD members are required to attend the AGM otherwise the meeting will be deemed invalid.
If you have not received an email outlining the above, please contact the Director of Membership and Operations, Anna Maloney: anna.maloney@chead.ac.uk