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REF 2 Consultation 2017

REF 2 Consultation

Find the key documents and response form here, responses are due by 17 March

HEFCE is currently consulting with the HE sector about the implementation phase of REF2. CHEAD is preparing a collaborative response, please add your comments to the draft — CHEAD’s response is intended to reflect the views of the art, design and creative media HE sector as a whole and to amplify key points of consensus.

Our very big thanks to our members who have shared their insights in detail including UAL, Glasgow CHEAD research alliance symposiumSchool of Art, and Sheffield Hallam.  Thanks also to our own CHEAD Research Alliance for organising 3 consultation events at Sheffield Hallam chaired by Prof Karen Fleming, Edinburgh College of Art chaired by Prof Dean Hughes, and Westminster School of Media Arts & Design chaired by Prof Kerstin Mey as well as to the 40+ participants in our roundtable discussions. Thanks also to to Kim Hackett of HEFCE.

The responses to the consultation will be considered by the boards (or equivalent) of the funding bodies in mid-2017. Initial decisions on the next REF will be announced in summer 2017. We will keep you updated.

There will be a full policy update shortly.  



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