
A voice for Higher Education Art & Design

The Council for Higher Education in Art and Design is the representative body for the art, design, creative media and related disciplines in higher education, providing leadership on behalf of HE A&D in the UK. Although CHEAD focuses on art and design subjects; these subjects relate closely to other subjects – for example: media, performing arts, architecture, and art and design history – we welcome interaction with and between these subjects. 

CHEAD is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. We are steered by a Board of Trustees drawn from our membership and governed by our constitution which sets out our charitable objects which are:

‘to advance education for the public benefit by promoting knowledge and understanding of art and design within higher education institutions’

CHEAD is also a membership organisation with around 70 member institutions across the four UK nations which range from Russell Group universities to small independent art schools.

Find out more about joining CHEAD.


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