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NSEAD National Conference

May 3, 2022

The title of the NSEAD conference this year is Art Education: Leading together

Supporting your career, inspiring every learner, protecting our subject

The overarching theme is Strategic, transformational, and visionary leadership – together we can lead change for our subject, our learners and each other.

The conference is aimed at all art educators, at any stage in their careers, from students and ECTs to senior leaders, art educators to cultural organisations. The conference will help them to lead the curriculum, develop their practice and advance and protect our subject. Because much of the conference will be delivered online, it is suitable for educators across the UK and around the world.

From May through to September, the NSEAD annual conference 2022 offers a lively programme of online training (a mix of daytime CPD and twilight talks), discussions, and resources. It is possible to buy:

· A premium conference pass which includes a choice of 2 CPD courses (£125 members / £175 non-members)

· A standard conference pass which includes a choice of 1 CPD course (£75 members / £125 non-members)

· Individual tickets for single events (starting at £5 for twilight talks)

Included in all conference passes:

· Access to all live streamed twilight events, premieres, and virtual content

· Ticket to our in-person summer social event at the National Gallery

· Opportunity to enter the Show and Tell/NSEAD professional studio pack competition

· Discounted access to our curated summer social event programme

· Access to resources for continued professional development around leadership

· Conference goody bag

Details are here.



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