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Membership Survey

September 10, 2021

We are delighted to be running our membership survey – the results of which will help shape our ongoing membership offer and programme.

The online survey opened to members on 10th September and will run until 10th November 2021.

Through the online survey, we are exploring

  • how we communicate effectively through our policy briefings, mailings and newsletters
  • how we appoint our Trustees
  • how we communicate who we are as an organisation
  • how we improve our membership offer

Our Director of Membership and Operations, Anna Maloney said: “Our members’ feedback is invaluable and we’re hoping that as many people will take part as possible, to give us a clear picture on a range of topics from how we communicate, how we appoint our Trustees and what would make CHEAD membership more valuable to members”

The results of the survey will be shared at the forthcoming Membership meeting on Thursday 25th November and will be made available on the CHEAD website.

If you would like more information about the membership survey, please contact Director of Membership and Operations, Anna Maloney via:


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