0.5 Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Critical & Cultural Studies

May 26, 2021

0.5 Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Critical & Cultural Studies at the University of Northampton

As Lecturer/Senior Lecturer of Critical and Cultural Studies you will work with the Programme teams in BA Graphic Communication and BA Illustration to deliver and develop learning, teaching and assessment of students across all levels. You will undertake curriculum development and research within the visual communication field and additionally contribute to the programme’s new and ongoing curricula, research (subject / pedagogic) and international developments.

Teaching responsibilities will include face to face and blended delivery as well as participation in tutorials, seminars and group critiques across all levels. Module leadership and dissertation/critical report supervision are essential elements of the post.

The successful candidate will devise and explore subject specific content and its wider connections to established and new design histories and theories, cultures and futures, and apply them to practice and research.

Closing date: 21st June 2021

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