The FACE Race Handbook is a vital resource delivering cultural competency for our allies, whilst confronting anti-Blackness in our art and design institutions.
Acknowledging that white privilege and race are rarely spoken about in the workplace and beyond, FACE encourages its allies to interrogate privilege and racial bias through regular meetings with Black and racially minoritised FACE colleagues. This practice has facilitated a growing network of culturally confident educators evolving together in anti-racist work that centres recruitment, progression, curriculum and culture.
Compiled by FACE Members and Associates up and down the country, The FACE Race Handbook communicates the necessary learning and unlearning essential in anti-racist work and is presented as a free, downloadable, digital 53-page PDF. The FACE Race Handbook unpacks evolved practice around recruitment, progression, curriculum and culture. Also contained within, are further links to tools and resources challenging fragility, resistance and the preservation of innocence; an innocence that pervades when every white person in the building chooses to hide behind unconscious bias.
FACE Associates are competent in anti-racist practice and vocabulary, able to speak up in institutions and challenge systemic racism in university life in coalition with Black and racially minoritised colleagues and students. The FACE Race Handbook is for all allies.
FACE: Fashion and the Arts Creating Equity announces the 1st Edition RACE Handbook as a free resource on the FACE website available to all educators here FACE began in 2020 to challenge the lack of Black culture and narrative in the arts. FACE has grown a membership spanning 30 institutions nationwide. Co-founders pictured above are Pascal Mathias, Sharon D Lloyd and Andrew Ibi.