20th Anniversary Edition
The Journal of Visual Art Practice marked its 20th anniversary in 2021, and its current issue (Vol. 20, Issue 4) offers both reflection on the journal’s rich history, but also its forward going vision and commitment to an international and diverse approach. The issue includes, for example, reflections from the founding editor Iain Biggs, and a survey article on contemporary drawing pedagogy by Howard Riley. Looking ahead, the issue also includes a review of Lauren Fournier’s book on autotheory as feminist practice, and an essay by artist and Nahem Shoa, whose exhibition, Face of Britain, brought together ‘canonical’ portraits in a city gallery collection from the seventeenth century onwards, alongside a selection of Shoa’s own striking oil paintings of black sitters.
The Journal’s anniversary year coincided with the appointment of new editors, Profs Sunil Manghani and Ed D’Souza (Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton). Their editorial introduction is available open access, and sets out the forward-going plans for the journal, with the aim to publish advances in visual art practices and their critical contexts, engaging with diverse, global and interdisciplinary perspectives; and with renewed emphasis upon the ‘practice’ of the Journal of Visual Art Practice. Also available open access, is an article on the practice-PhD, ‘Practice PhD Toolkit’, which offers both a critical and practice approach to shaping and championing practice research.
In later this year the journal is due to publish an article by Prof. James Elkins (and colleagues) that reflects on a new integrated approach to Foundation Studio and Art History at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. The journal is seeking respondents to the piece, and/or related reflections. If you would like to find out more, contact s.manghani@soton.ac.uk
Journal of Visual Art Practice is published 4 times a year by Taylor & Francis https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjvp20/20/4
Print ISSN: 1470-2029 Online ISSN: 1758-9185
Twitter: @JournalVAP
Instagram: journal_visualart