Dr Theresa Saxon

Deputy Head in the School of Arts and Media
University of Central Lancashire

I am currently Deputy Head in the School of Arts and Media at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), which is home to the subject areas of Art and Design and also the related fields of Media and Performing Arts. I am an experienced academic leader, and a Senior Fellow of Advance HE. Currently, I take responsibility for student experience and teaching and learning, and I’ve developed a particular focus on empowering the student voice, recognising that students from different backgrounds have very different university experiences. I am also an experienced Treasurer and Trustee and have developed a thorough understanding of the responsibilities and regulatory governance that accompanies Charities Commission recognition. I completed my PhD at Manchester Metropolitan University, and then directed my research focus into the field of performing arts, particularly theatre history, race and intersectionality, and my publications and public engagement activities reside in UCLan’s Institute for Black Atlantic Research, of which I am one of the founder members.

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