Climate Justice is the point where the movements for decolonization and decarbonization converge. Climate Justice offers a coherent and fair alternative to corporate-technocratic “climate solutions”, such as carbon offsetting schemes on indigenous lands, or mineral extraction for renewable energy, which are transgressing planetary boundaries and compounding the injustices of colonialism.
In the consumer nations, art, design, and communication education are entangled within the systems and values of the capitalist market. Yet they have vital potential to engage and inspire through cultural action and creative transformation.
This series of creative and critical encounters brings together artists, designers, media makers and educators, including those from the Global South to ask, how might transformative pedagogies and anti-racist practices help integrate regenerative ecologies and restorative justice?
In each session, invited artists, designers, performers and communicators will record/respond creatively to the live discussion, highlighting the crucial role of cultural practice and action.
Hosted and supported by the School of Fine Art of Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Colleges, UAL