CHEAD submission to the Fourth Industrial Revolution inquiry

July 9, 2018

CHEAD has made a submission to the House of Commons Education Committee’s inquiry into the Fourth Industrial Revolution stressing the importance of understanding creative arts and design outside the ‘creative industries’ box as diverse sets of skills underpinning inclusive approaches to innovation and the development of innovators. The submission highlights design as a core applied focus that connects disciplines across the science, technology and creative areas. Design relates to process as much as products and services. This enables consideration of social and cultural as well as economic value propositions which are all important in new developments in, and applications of, automation and artificial intelligence. CHEAD’s submission recommends that design should be considered a core interdisciplinary skill at all levels of education to integrate creative, science and technology skill sets. CHEAD also recommends the embedding of ‘maker skills’ to help build an inclusive innovation culture and to strengthen potential for paths through lower to higher skill set development.


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