CHEAD response to Curriculum and Assessment Review

December 2, 2024

CHEAD the Council for Higher Education in Art and Design is the national charity for arts,
media, design and related discipline in the higher education sector. Our response to the DfE’s Curriculum and Assessment Review is informed by our experience supporting art, craft, media and design in the creative sector and the wider creative economy, and our track record of working with creative educators, practitioners, researchers, policy makers and students to deliver creativity in the curriculum. Working with others to develop a Creative Education Manifesto we engage closely with our network of 70 higher education providers and c1000 individual creative educators and practitioners. We have also taken part in roundtables and shared common themes and concerns with colleagues from across the creative education sector, including the Crafts Council, Design Council, University Alliance, UAL, Creative UK, the Design Education Stakeholder Forum, Creative Education Coalition, NSEAD, Shape North and the Design Technology Association. Our response draws on quantitative and qualitative evidence from across the sector and in some cases, we specifically acknowledge, and reference recommendations made by key reports.

Read a summary of our submission here


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