CHALLENGING TIMES – Global Pandemic, Black Lives Matter and Climate and Ecological Emergency

October 25, 2021

The Global South Strikes Back


There will be further Decarbonisation/Decolonisation events in early 2022.

Zoom online, October 27th, Wed, 1-2pm 

This invitation has kindly been provided by Rahul Patel, University of the Arts London

Open to students and staff. Guests from outside UAL most welcome to join. 

Meeting id – 89950531298 

Copy and paste in zoom id. No password required.

Three key activists join a provocation session in a pre-emptive strike in the lead up to COP 26 (Conference of Parties) in Glasgow challenging global leaders who have so far failed to understand the climate and ecological disaster and listen and act on the pivotal voices of the global south. 

The Bonita Chola, Angela Camacho is an Indigenous decedent, creative, Bruja, community organiser and ancestor in the making, whose work is rooted in the need to take back a sense of space and a place of origin, moving away from colonialism and from constructed terms such a ‘Latinidad’.

Chuma Nwokolo was called to the Bar in 1984 and appointed a notary public in 1995. He is the convener of the good governance advocacy project, Bribecode ( He co-founded African Writing magazine ( His first novel was published in 1983. His latest, The Extinction of Menai, centres issues of language and cultural extinction.

Rhoda Boateng coordinates ITUC-Africa’s (International Trade Union Confederation) work on Climate Change and Just Transition with focus on training and developing capacities on climate change issues, policy development, lobbying and advocacy, design, and implementation of campaigns on climate issues. She also leads the Africa Trade Union Delegation at the level of the United Nations Framework Convention on  Climate Change (UNFCCC) as part of the COP 26.

CHEAD are in early discussions with the organisers of this seminar to plan a Member’s Event in January 2022 on the theme of Decarbonisation and Decolonisation.


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