CHEAD HE Green Paper Response

CHEAD responding to HE Green Paper consultation: FULFILLING OUR POTENTIAL: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice, November 2015

Teaching and learning in the disciplines: Summary Report

Teaching and learning in the disciplines: an HEA-funded project The Higher Education Academy (HEA) established the Teaching and Learning Issues in the Disciplines project in spring 2015 in order to research the state of higher education (HE) teaching and learning in a...

Report from CHEAD Employability and Enterprise Regional Seminar

CHEAD Regional Seminar: What is the Point of Employability in Art and Design? 15 May 2015 – Chelsea College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London In May 2015 the ‘What is the Point of Employability in Art and Design?’ event brought together over 40...
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