AI and Creative Industries

This guest blog is kindly provided by John Davies NESTA.   The Art in the Artificial. The implications of AI for the creative industries and how we should respond. The use and influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the creative industries is growing. AI...

Design Skills

This guest post is kindly provided by Matthew Young Design Council. Design Perspectives: Design Skills. Over recent years Design Council has been thinking about change through the fourth industrial revolution – the rise of artificial intelligence, total...


#Creative Education2020 At a packed event in the Houses of Parliament on 25th February 2020 CHEAD and APDIG hosted parliamentarians, members, industry representatives and guests in the Jubilee Room. Professor Anita Taylor, Dean of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art...

CHEAD Infographic

CHEAD has produced a resource for members in the form of an infographic to represent CHEAD, its members, key statistics for the ADM HE sector and the impact of the creative economy. We hope this resource will prove useful to support members to advocate our sector,...
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