Policy Briefing – September 2017

CHEAD welcomes our members to the new academic year and we hope everyone has enjoyed a restful break – ready for the fresh challenges facing the sector! Brexit Manifesto and Industrial Strategy CHEAD commissioned a report on creative education post-Brexit which was...
CHEAD/APDIG Creative HE Brexit Manifesto Launch

CHEAD/APDIG Creative HE Brexit Manifesto Launch

CHEAD, APDIG, and TCCE have collaborated on a Manifesto for Creative HE post-Brexit which was launched in Parliament on 11 September 2017 with speeches and Q&A by the Rt Hon Matt Hancock, MP, Minister of State for Digital with Professor Anita Taylor, Dean of Bath...

Brexit Manifesto for Creative HE – First Roundtable

                 The first of the series of regional consultation workshops which will inform our Brexit Manifesto for Creative Higher Education, to be launched at The Palace of Westminster on 11 September 2017 in the presence of the Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP, was hosted...

Policy Update – Post-Election June 2017

#GE2017results Just when you thought it was safe to make plans again, the election opens out new vistas of unpredictability and instability. On the good side, from the point of view of creative education and industries, John Kamfner at Creative Industries Federation...

Creative HE – Brexit Manifesto Consultation Events

                 CHEAD and APDIG are developing a Brexit Manifesto for the art, design and creative media higher education sector. Creative HE Brexit Manifesto CHEAD and APDIG held an exclusive roundtable event in the House of Lords on Thursday 24th November 2016 to...

Policy Update May 2017

It has been rather a momentous Spring for Higher Education. The HE Bill received Royal Assent on 27 April, REF 2021 and the New DLHE have completed their main consultation phases and are moving towards implementation, the TEF pilot is already on the ground, the...
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