Apr 29, 2021 | Opportunity
CHEAD is delighted to share details of a FACE and Graduate Fashion Foundation initiative. FACE members have been working with the Graduate Fashion Foundation to create the Black Excellence Prize. The aim is to amplify Black creativity as a broad and limitless...
Mar 24, 2021 | Membership, Opportunity, Resource
Blog kindly provided by Sarah Waterman Project Manager, Design & Make Learning & Participation – ROH Bridge Programme Manager Essex Royal Opera House. In 2010 the Royal Opera House moved its set production facilities from east London to the new Bob and...
Feb 24, 2021 | Membership, Opportunity
Re:Tension is a short 20 minute film that follows Thapelo, a bright and capable university student, on a day where he is unwittingly forced to question the judgements of his tutors and peers, and delve deeper into his own actions, choices and beliefs. Re:Tension...
Jan 19, 2021 | Membership, Opportunity
Extended deadline for registration and Call for Papers. Early Bird extended registration until 29 January 2021. Abstracts of 100 words (max) must be submitted by Friday 29 January 2021. This year’s iJADE conference run by our partners at NSEAD will be hosted online...
Jan 10, 2021 | Membership, Opportunity, Policy
The Contemporary Visual Arts Network CVAN plans to launch a new initiative by inviting sector representative organisations to come together and form an alliance for the visual arts. The new alliance is drafting a shared mission statement and agreeing objectives which...
Jan 5, 2021 | Membership, Opportunity
The CHEAD Annual General Meeting will be held during the Annual CHEAD Conference taking place online on Wednesday 17th March 2021, at 12.00pm. Elections for CHEAD Trustees will be held at the forthcoming AGM. Four Trustee vacancies will arise in March 2021: Chair...