Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Update

CHEAD can report on the following actions on equity, diversity and inclusivity. CHEAD Trustees met on 1st March 2022 and were joined by Caryn Franklin MBE and the founders of FACE (in person and online) to discuss the findings of the See My Face survey and the ongoing...

Climate Justice

Decolonising Decarbonisation are a series of Interventions and possibilities for Higher Education in Art, Design and Communication to respond to this agenda. Hosted and supported by the School of Fine Art of Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Colleges, at UAL, these...

Engage: Co-learning spaces

Engage are hosting Sharing Space a series on co-creation and hope you can join us! Sharing Space: co-creation in the visual arts will explore how artists, organisations and people create art and catalyse social change. Each session has an incredible array of...
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