Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity update

New partnership to inform CHEAD EDI programme. Shades of Noir: Knowledge Exchange Centre for Race and Practice-Based Social Justice are pleased to announce their recent partnership with The Council for Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD). “We are delighted to...

Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Policy

Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Policy. We would like to update members of the changes we have made to the Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Policy which is available here Equity_Diversity_Inclusivity_Policy_Slides_FINALand Inclusivity (EDI) policy resulting from...

New Trustee Appointments

The Council for Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD) is delighted to announce three new trustees, Michael Gorman, Professor Jake Kaner and Professor Sunil Manghani, who join the existing Board of Trustees. Michael Gorman, Senior Learning & Teaching Fellow at...
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