Are you keen to be involved in discussions and developments that support learning and teaching in Art, Design and Media higher education? Do you wish to work actively with other HE professionals to advance practice-based learning, teaching, pedagogic research and scholarship? Are you interested in organising events, publications and activities that will help to connect and support students and staff across the Art, Design and Media sector?
GLAD is stepping out and stepping up from the contexts and constraints of recent pandemic times to develop fresh and new activities to support and advance learning and teaching in our great sector. GLAD invites applications for up to four new committee members to join the GLAD committee from September 2022. We are looking for new members that are enthusiastic, experienced and committed to working with others. We are looking for new blood that can help invigorate, broaden and enhance GLAD’s activities. We are delighted to welcome new colleagues to be part of the vibrant GLAD network of professionals that are dedicated to the advancement of learning and teaching in art, design and media.
GLAD committee membership is a voluntary role and members receive no payment for their work.
Committee members are required (please see GLAD Operational Framework also, p. 3):
– to attend regular committee meetings, approximately 4 per year. At present these are mainly being held online.
– to attend and help organise GLAD events, including the annual GLAD symposia
– to undertake committee responsibilities and to support the work of GLAD
– to help promote GLAD (e,g. GLAD website, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
– to be able to work with GLAD members and make active and sustained contributions to the committee and GLAD work
– to be a current member of staff working in art, design and media higher education
GLAD are keen that committee members evidence experience of, and commitment to, pedagogic research and scholarship and are keen to support such across our sector.
The committee has two specific roles vacant, Treasurer & Secretary. GLAD are also keen for a committee member to lead on GLAD website and communications.
More information can be found here
Applications should be emailed to the GLAD Chair, Louise O’Boyle: by 12 noon on 19 September 2022. Decisions will be confirmed by the 21 September 2022 and we would expect new Committee members will be able to attend an introductory Committee meeting, via Teams, on Friday 30th September 2022, 9am to 10.30am.