Oct 13, 2023 | Art education, Learning and Teaching, Membership, Opportunity, Policy, Research, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange
On 14 and 17 June 2023, the embassy’s Higher education, research and innovation Department organised two meetings to encourage closer links between French and British art and design schools. The aim of these two online and face-to-face events, organised in...
Oct 11, 2023 | Advocacy, Art education, Policy
During party conference season, a coalition of creative and higher education organisations, including CHEAD, have launched their Creative Education Manifesto, calling on all political parties to commit collectively to restoring creative arts education....
Oct 11, 2023 | Art education, Learning and Teaching, Membership
This blog has kindly been provided by Louise O’Boyle SFHEA Associate Dean (Academic Quality & Student Experience) Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Expert Trustee: The Council for Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD) Associate...
Oct 11, 2023 | Policy, Research, Research, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange
CHEAD returned a response to the REF Consultation on 6th October 2023. The response was informed by Trustees, our Director of the Research, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange Alliance, Dr Sian Vaughan and in consultation with Professor Anne Boddington. Here is a...
Oct 2, 2023 | Advocacy, Art education, Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity, Membership
This blog is the third in a series and has kindly been provided by Vanessa Corby Professor Theory, History and Practice of Art York St John University In England the National Curriculum for Art and Design from Key Stage 1 to 3 (ages four to fourteen) hinges on the...