HESA NewDLHE Review Synthesis
HESA’s synthesis of responses to the NewDLHE Review was published today. Find a copy of CHEAD’s response to the consultation here. Although there are some areas of concern, overall, the synthesis seems positive for the art and design HE sector: Linked data...Policy Briefing – Brexit and Reshuffle
Reshuffle Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy will be pronounced to rhyme with ‘days’ (apparently) and led by Greg Clark as BEIS Secretary of State. Jesse Norman, Under Secretary, has experience in cultural industries and Nick Hurd,...Consultation: Schools That Work For Everyone
Download full document: Schools that work for everyone: Government consultation Launch date 12 September 2016 | Respond by 12 December 2016 This consultation sets out three areas of secondary school reform including Universities playing a direct role in improving...