APPG – The Future of Creative Education Post-Brexit

This is a presentation given by CHEAD on 14 December 2016 at the All-Party Parliamentary Group Art Craft and Design in Education, House of Commons committee room 12. A ‘hard Brexit’ may lead to significant impact on staff and student recruitment,...

CHEAD’s Response to HESA DLHE Review

This is CHEAD’s response to the Consultation on principles and future requirements for the UK’s public interest data about graduates. Many thanks to Gillian Youngs and Kertstin Mey (CHEAD Treasurer) at Westminster School of Media, Arts and Design; Anita Taylor at Bath...

CHEAD Response: TEF Technical Consultation for Year II

CHEAD would like to thank all of our Subject Association Links Network for their insights and inputs to CHEAD’s response to the TEF Technical Consultation for Year II.  CHEAD Response TEF Technical Consultation Year II (19.8KB)
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