Creative HE – Brexit Manifesto Consultation Events

                 CHEAD and APDIG are developing a Brexit Manifesto for the art, design and creative media higher education sector. Creative HE Brexit Manifesto CHEAD and APDIG held an exclusive roundtable event in the House of Lords on Thursday 24th November 2016 to...

Industrial Strategy Green Paper

This response is based on the outputs from open policy consultation workshops hosted by Prof Dean Hughes in Edinburgh College of Art as part of CHEAD 2017 and by Prof Neil Grant at the University of Chester with a workshop by Prof Allan Owens, as well as consultation...

CHEAD Response New DLHE 2nd Consultation

This response was a collaborative effort with particular thanks to Prof Jim Roddis (Emeritus SHU), Prof Oriana Baddeley (UAL), Prof Vicky Gunn (GSA), Prof Bill Gaver (Goldsmiths), Prof Kerstin Mey(Westminster School of Media Arts and Design), and Prof Anita Taylor...

CHEAD Response to HEFCE Second REF Consultation

This response was a collaborative effort with particular thanks to Prof Jim Roddis (Emeritus SHU), Prof Oriana Baddeley (UAL), Prof Vicky Gunn (GSA), Prof Bill Gaver (Goldsmiths), Prof Kerstin Mey(Westminster School of Media Arts and Design), and Prof Anita Taylor...
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