Jan 10, 2021 | Membership, Opportunity, Policy
The Contemporary Visual Arts Network CVAN plans to launch a new initiative by inviting sector representative organisations to come together and form an alliance for the visual arts. The new alliance is drafting a shared mission statement and agreeing objectives which...
Jan 5, 2021 | Membership, Opportunity
The CHEAD Annual General Meeting will be held during the Annual CHEAD Conference taking place online on Wednesday 17th March 2021, at 12.00pm. Elections for CHEAD Trustees will be held at the forthcoming AGM. Four Trustee vacancies will arise in March 2021: Chair...
Dec 2, 2020 | Membership, Opportunity, Resource
CHEAD is delighted to announce a new partnership with Fashion Academics Creating Equality (FACE) which will facilitate a two-way exchange of resources. Recently, FACE took part in a CHEAD members event Creative Resilience: Art Adapts and have posted a blog piece...
Nov 19, 2020 | Opportunity
Group for Learning in Art & Design (GLAD) 23rd Annual Conference Friday 23 April 2021 Calling students, researchers, lecturers, leaders, technical staff & members of professional services teams Call for Proposals for Papers, Workshops & Lightning Talks...
Sep 24, 2020 | Membership, Opportunity, Research
CHEAD is issuing a call for applications for the role of CHEAD Research Alliance Strategy Group members for its Research Alliance. Two new Trustees and co-chairs of the Research Alliance, Professor Jake Kaner and Professor Sunil Manghani, were appointed in July 2020....