Leading UK visual arts institutions & art schools unite against proposed government cuts to arts education

May 12, 2021

The Council for Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD) is proud to be one of over 300 signatories to the open letter to Secretary of Education Gavin Williamson against the proposed cuts to arts education.

Contemporary Visual Arts Network (CVAN) have brought together leaders from across the visual arts sector including arts institutions, art schools, galleries and universities across the country, to issue an open letter to Gavin Williamson, the Secretary of State for Education asking him to revoke his proposed 50% cuts in subsidy support to arts subjects across higher education.

Following the closure of the consultation on this proposed move on Thursday 6th May, the Government has until mid-June to come to a decision on the future of funding for the arts in higher education – and the sector aims to remind them not only of the critical value of the arts to the UK’s economy, but the essential role they play in the long term cultural infrastructure, creative ambition and wellbeing of the nation.


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