Teesside University

Paul Stewart

Principal Lecturer: Research and Innovation

+44(0)1642 384082


Stephenson Street
Tees Valley

‘The School of Arts & Media is a diverse and enterprising group, spanning practice-led subjects like Art and Design and TV production as well as English Studies, History and Media Studies. We are committed to providing you with the very best educational experience in a supportive environment.’ ‘We incorporate field trips, live projects and competitions into the curriculum, where possible, to extend your knowledge and understanding of your subject. The School has an excellent reputation in a number of areas. The high quality of History and Art and Design courses has been nationally recognised by the Quality Assurance Agency. English Studies was commended for the ‘positive learning experience’ enjoyed by English students by the QAA.’ ‘The School has two national teaching fellows and an excellent research rating in History. Our students have won national and international competitions.’

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