Creative Journeys Video

April 14, 2016

We all know that studying subjects like Art & Design and Design & Technology can be fun and rewarding, They can even help you concentrate better and make you think more creatively. But can they lead to real jobs and careers?

Yes, they absolutely can! In fact, the creative industries are some of the UK’s most successful, varied and fastest growing sectors. And they provide millions of fulfilling job opportunities.

Watch this film and click on the links below to hear from some of the UK’s leading designers, architects, engineers and other creative professionals about how they got started, and learn how the options you choose for GCSE can help you begin your own creative journey. With thanks to all the creative professionals, National Art&Design Saturday Club members, tutors and parents who were interviewed.

#CreativeJourneys is a Sorrell Foundation project supported by HEAD Trust (the Higher Education in Art and Design Foundation) and Arts Council England.

Publisher: Sorrell Foundation


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