CHEAD and APDIG are developing a Brexit Manifesto for the art, design and creative media higher education sector.
Creative HE Brexit Manifesto
CHEAD and APDIG held an exclusive roundtable event in the House of Lords on Thursday 24th November 2016 to discuss how we can respond to the pressures and opportunities that Brexit presents to the art, design and creative media HE sector.
The success of this initial partnership has led to a more substantial project to develop a Brexit Manifesto for the creative Higher Education sector. An initial consultation workshop was held at CHEAD’s 2017 Conference in Edinburgh in March 2017 which will be followed by a regional programme of consultation events culminating in the Manifesto launch at the House of Lords on 11 September 2017.
Consultation Programme
Workshop 1: Creative Research and Collaboration
Tuesday 20th June, 11am, – 16.00pm, Westminster School of Media, Arts & Design, University of Westminster, Harrow Campus, Room JG.05, Watford Road, Northwick Park, Middlesex, HA1 3TP
What is the role of creative research in driving the high-growth creative sector in the UK economy and as a global leader? This workshop will look into how Government and creative sector bodies can support creative research with EU and non-EU partners following Brexit including EU collaboration frameworks, global research opportunities and the commercialisation of research outcomes. It will also look into the way ahead for IP frameworks and the digital single market.
Workshop 2: Creative HEIs in a Regional Context
Wednesday 5th July, 11am – 16.00pm, Cardiff Metropolitan University, PDR UCD Lab, PDR (International Centre for Design and Research), Llandaff Campus, 200 Western Ave, Cardiff CF5 2YB
Creative HE has been playing an increasingly central role in regional economies, regional creative sectors and clusters, as well as city centres and local culture. How do we model the future role of regional creative HEIs in a post-Brexit Industrial Strategy? This workshop will look at the role of creative HEIs in local economies as well as their role in future models and frameworks for a more balanced distribution of economic growth. How should the devolution agenda evolve post-Brexit?
Workshop 3: The Creative Skills Pipeline
Thursday 13th July, 11am – 16.00pm, Sheffield Institute of Arts, Fitzalan Square, Sheffield S1 2AY
What would we want to see in an Industrial Strategy to support a healthy creative skills pipeline? This workshop will explore the impact of Brexit on the creative skills pipeline, including the crisis in UK secondary education, recruitment and status of international students and staff, post-study pathways, technical education, and creative employment in the 21st century, as well as opportunities for new partnerships and markets. The workshop will also explore UK creative industries employment data and methodologies.
Please Note: Places at the consultation events are extremely limited so invitations have been sent to the CHEAD member main contacts only. If you wish to attend any of the events above or nominate someone to attend on your behalf, please email Anna Maloney, Membership Manager:
Launch Event
[September 2017, Date tbc, Houses of Parliament]