The HE Art, Design and Media (ADM) sector and the world of policymaking are both changing fast and CHEAD is changing too. In response to consultations with our members, we are moving steadily towards a more open, inclusive and networked approach to our policy work. We have begun by forming or revitalising existing specialist networks within CHEAD, which can bring together and channel the enormous expertise available within CHEAD’s networks. Now that our networks are gathering strength, we ran our first Open Policy Workshop, on 11 July, to solicit a detailed and nuanced input from experts within CHEAD’s Links networks to BIS’ TEF Technical Consultation.
Members of CHEAD’s Subject Associations Links Network as well as learning and teaching experts from all four UK nations have responded enthusiastically – generating, synthesising and mapping a wealth of insights then identifying key gaps in the sector’s teaching and learning evidence base – all in a single afternoon’s intensive workshop. We are currently compiling the outputs to be distributed to stakeholders including BIS, and for further analysis, but these have already enriched CHEAD’s response today to the TEF Technical Consultation for Year II. We are now bringing together an Expert Panel from the Links Network to work on TEF implementation going forward, and we will continue to use Policy Lab toolkits to democratise our policy work and draw on the power of our networks to advance the interests of the sector as a whole.
We are grateful to all our members who volunteered their expertise and time and would like to give particular thanks to Gillian Youngs of Westminster School of Media, Arts & Design; Vicky Gunn of Glasgow School of Art; Louise O’Boyle from Ulster University; and Kate Wicklow from GuildHE for facilitating at the Open Policy workshop and sharing their expert insights as well as to Judy Glasman, University of Hertfordshire, for her participation and a wealth of additional input to the CHEAD response to the TEF Technical Consultation. Thanks also to Nicky Dewar from the Crafts Council.
Back in February, CHEAD also formed our Research Strategy Group, Chaired by Karen Fleming of the University of Ulster, bringing together Art & Design REF panellists who will steer CHEAD’s launch of a Research Alliance network next Autumn and provide professional support, networking and strategic planning to ADM in REF for our membership. The Research Strategy Group fed into CHEAD’s response to Lord Stern’s REF Review Call for Evidence and the wider Research Alliance will also be invited to input to future policy work relating to REF.
If you’d like to participate in CHEAD’s policy and advocacy work, look out for the CHEAD newsletters with the pink banner at the top which bring regular briefings and opportunities to get involved. CHEAD newsletters with the black banner bring news of our events, professional support and membership activities. If your institution is a member but you are not receiving CHEAD newsletters, please do contact Anna Maloney, Membership Manager, so we can add your name to our mailing list.