CHEAD Research Alliance Launched

There are many changes and challenges facing Art, Design and Media (ADM) research. CHEAD responded to the Stern Review of REF: Call for Evidence consultation following the Nurse Review and The Metric Tide and we will continue to engage with REF strategically on behalf of our members. The Stern Review is likely to move towards implementation in the Autumn (find out more in our March-May and June Briefings) – whilst the impact of Brexit on HE and the ADM sector is yet to be understood.

CHEAD organised a steering group hosted by Sheffield Hallam in February out of which the CHEAD Research Alliance has come together with the following aims:

  • Advise and support the CHEAD Exec on research issues
  • Identify key issues and provide intelligence
  • Disseminate policy updates and submit policy responses on behalf of the Alliance
  • Support research leadership and develop activities and resources to support researchers in the sector
  • Advocacy within CHEAD’s networks and externally

The Research Strategy Group, made up of senior ADM research leaders and REF Panellists, meets quarterly to serve the wider CHEAD Research Alliance which will launch at our first symposium on 8 September 2016 to discuss the sector strategy for REF 2121. Contact us for more information.


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