Trustee roles available in March 2025
We have a vacancy for Vice Chair and Trustee in March 2025
///The deadline for nominations for the Vice Chair role has now closed.///
For full details about the Trustee role and election process, please download our Trustee Election Pack and Trustee role description.
We are committed to restructuring our systems at CHEAD to ensure that at all levels within the organisation, we are working towards equity, diversity, and inclusion.
This means that we particularly want to ensure the organisation’s Board is reflective of our mission to dismantle institutional models and hierarchies that embed inequality and discrimination within art and design.
To be eligible to stand for election, you must be the main representative for a CHEAD member institution.
If you are not the main representative for your institution, you should discuss and seek support from your main member representative listed on the CHEAD member directory
Each institutional member can put forward one nomination. No single institutional member may be represented by more than one Trustee on the Board.
Nomination process
If you would like to put yourself forward for election, you should complete a nomination statement using the form below.
Complete a nomination form for the role of Trustee and send to
Nomination Statements
The CHEAD Nominations Statement Policy sets out the acceptable formats when submitting a nominations statement:
• A pre-recorded video election statement (max. five minutes duration)
• A pre-recorded audio election statement (max. five minutes duration)
• A written election statement (max. 750 words)
Nominations for Trustee close 21 February 2025
Election process
All nomination statements are circulated to the main member with voting rights at each member institution.
The Vice-Chair and Trustee are elected by the main members of each member institution through election at the Annual General Meeting held during the CHEAD Annual Conference 25-27 March 2025.
Election will be by simple majority and will be announced during the AGM.