Registration now open for Creative Education UK: A manifesto for change in an International context

May 17, 2024

Creative Education Manifesto
A UK case study on launching a movement for creative arts education

Online session

Friday 14 June 2024
15:00 – 16:30 CEST / 14:00 – 15:30 BST

Join us for an inspiring online event co-hosted by ELIACHEAD, and AICAD, where we will explore the #ArtIsEssential campaign, discovering its potential for change and transformation.

Register here

In September 2023, a broad coalition of creative and higher arts education organisations in the United Kingdom launched the #ArtIsEssential campaign, aimed to protect the creative arts talent pipeline. To give tangible shape to their objectives, the coalition developed the Creative Education Manifesto, comprising 8 key demands. These demands, if implemented, will help protect the critical talent pipeline vital to the UK’s thriving creative economy, thus preserving both its economic foundation and cultural heritage.

Sandra Booth, Director of Policy at the Council for Higher Education in Art and Design“Employers worldwide recognise creativity as a crucial skill for the future resilience of economies and societies. The UK’s Creative Education Manifesto advocates the significance of creative expression for all and urges political and educational systems to protect and promote inclusive, creativity-based educational opportunities”.

Now, as elections loom in the UK, Europe, the US, and across the globe, the relevance of this movement transcends national borders. What factors led to the formation of this coalition, and what do its partners feel is their most influential asset in facilitating sustainable change?

ELIA’s Working Group on Arts in Education, along with the co-hosts, ELIA, CHEAD, and the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design (AICAD) invite you to participate in this insightful online event. Over a 90-minute session, our international audience will be introduced to the mission of the #ArtIsEssential coalition. Following this, we will engage in a collective discussion with our audience and a panel of experts on the applicability of the manifesto and campaign in Europe and beyond.

Whether you are an educator, student, policymaker, or simply someone who believes in the power of creativity, this event is for you. Join us to show your support for our colleagues in the UK and to explore how we can drive sustainable change together.

Both ELIA members and non-members are invited to join this event! Let’s come together to delve into a collaborative path towards enduring change.


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