Date and time
Wednesday, 4 October 2023
09.00 – 19.00
Museum of Making,
Or Online
This conference has been designed to take place alongside the Shedding Light on Long Covid Sci-Art Public Realm Research Project, installed at the Museum of Making and Derby Cathedral, supported by S.H.E.D, The Royal Society of Arts and the University of Derby. The Conference day has been designed to support academics, clinical and industry professionals and the public to share their insights on research into long-Covid through a place-based approach to knowledge generation.
The conference will explore this through a series of presentations, keynotes, workshops, and networking sessions. Please see the programme for more information. Together, we will discuss approaches to building a community of research and increasing the capacity for change as a means of addressing long-standing social issues. The conference will be facilitated by CivicLAB which is an agent to drive positive societal change, increase civic impact, and connect universities, stakeholders and communities together.
If you would like to register to join the conference online, a private link will be shared with you once you have registered as a delegate. The online experience will be facilitated by Paula Shaw, Associate Professor of Online Teaching and Learning.
Conference Programme and How to Register
Shedding Light on Long Covid – Latest events – University of Derby