Joining our Board of Trustees
CHEAD’s Board of Trustees ensures that CHEAD operates in accordance with the objects enshrined in its constitution and shapes its future to deliver an exciting programme to meet the evolving needs of our membership.
Trustees, including the officers of Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer, are elected by the registered representatives of CHEAD member institutions.
The Board of Trustees comprises three Honorary Officers, six elected Trustees, up to four co-opted Trustees and two expert Trustees. The terms of appointment for officers and members of the Board of Trustees is normally three years.
Elections are held during the Annual General Meeting in the Spring of each year. A call for nominations is normally issued in January.
CHEAD is proactive in the receipt of nominations from underrepresented communities within our membership as we continue to build capacities in incorporating different perspectives.
As a membership body focussing on equity, diversity and inclusivity, we want to promote and support better representation across our board membership. We seek applicants for Trustees with additional knowledge and expertise within social justice practice and creative HE, to build capacity within our board and centre the voices of staff of colour and marginalised groups at the foreground of meaningful change.