CHEAD and APDIG summary of second Art and Design roundtable

January 19, 2022

How can Art and Design research and Arts research methodologies help tackle the biggest challenges faced by the UK?

The UK is currently faced with increasing challenges across health, climate, technology and more. The creative, design and innovation industries can add a lot of value to the solutions to these challenges but are not yet fully appreciated in policy. We have already been seeing emerging research across all these areas, especially at Design for Planet by the Design Council, just a month ago. What is now critical is for policymakers to acknowledge and utilise this research.

This session aimed to bring to light best practice and existing evidence by bringing together experts and examples from case studies together to discuss Art and Design Research and Arts Research methodologies and how they can be integrated beyond the Art and Design sector to help tackle the biggest challenges faced by the UK. This can include, but is not limited to, health, climate, technology and digital transformation, social issues, EDI, and more.

How can Art and Design research and Arts research methodologies help tackle the biggest challenges faced by the UK? | Policy Connect



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