2023 Elections Nomination Form – Vice Chair

Before completing this form, please refer to the CHEAD Trustee Nominations Statement Policy which sets out the acceptable formats for nomination statements.

2025 Elections - Vice Chair nomination form

Complete this form to submit a nomination for the role of CHEAD Vice Chair.

  • You are invited to provide an election statement here This will be reproduced and circulated to voters. The election statement should describe why you think you should be elected and must address the person specification directly (item 8 in the role description). The organisation reserves the right not to publish, or to edit any election statement that is factually inaccurate or contains libellous material.
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • The main member representative can be found by checking the institutional profile page on the 'Members' section of the CHEAD website or by contacting: joanie@chead.ac.uk
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