Leadership Programme

The CHEAD Leadership Programme has been running for many years and is intended to support the development of the current and next generation of creative academic leaders in our sector.

It is aimed at people such as Programme Leaders, Associate Deans and Heads of Department who may be seeking to further develop their knowledge and skills, as well as recently appointed Deans or Heads of School. Participation in the Leadership Programme enables attendees to form a peer network of leaders and managers working in similar positions.

We are evolving our leadership programme—from model to context—for a 2025 launch. We realise that the sector is going through a challenging period, and we want to help you lead through uncertain and unpredictable times. 

As part of our leadership programme development and to support our members now, we are looking to launch a series of free webinars and a membership community to address critical topics to support our membership. We will share details of our tasters and updates on programme developments in our newsletter. 

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